Mining Asteroids and Space HarVee
Asteroids are minable
Build utilities and other structures on asteroids
Save and reload changes to asteroid terrain
Dynamic ambient occlusion on asteroids
Low-G version of HarVee
New doors
Asteroid maps functional in multi-player mode
New Bugs/Issues:
-A few “non-resolving” cubes on aroid terrain
-Dynamic ambient occlusion needs more work
Asteroid maps are slow to generate, but fast to load.
Large Ships and Asteroids
Build Ships and Landing Pods
Landing Pod models can be dropped on Map
Save asteroids, and reload quickly
Bug Fixes:
-Solar panel and other model render errors fixed
Reload texture error fixed
Hi-Lights and other Fixes
Standardized highlight colors, green building or adding truss, yellow remove to inven, blue add plate, red destroy
Shift no longer gets stuck in slow mode
Crash when removing solar panels and toggle switches should be fixed.
Truss falls properly in the Borehole map
Active slot glow
Truss and Power truss item icons
Fixed position of number text in active inven
Ambient occlusion should update in MP when cubes or utils are removed
Ambient occlusion should show up when a saved moon map is loaded
Dynamic Ambient Occlusion
Updated dynamic ambient occlusion, but it is still very much a work in progress.
You can now add mooncrete and smoothcrete in Player Mode.
Cryo Tanks, Tell-Op, Doors, Hud
Telop Control Interface tanks!
Doors and tanks animate on open/close.
Dynamic crosshairs.
HUD active inven and stats overlays.
Perlin noise terrain for bore holes.
Smooth bore holes.
F9 takes a screenshot.
F10 starts/stops in-game movie.
Arrow up/down changes speed in design mode.
Programming DevBlog added
Programming DevBlog Added to track our progress.